How to use Playlister: Everything you need to know

The ultimate 2025 guide to what Playlister is and how you can use it at your church.

Chris Holland
December 30, 2020
How to Use Playlister

We believe Kids Pastors are stretched too thin between church at-home and church in-person. Playlister is the way you get both of these tasks done - all by just building a playlist each week. The days of sitting through curriculum downloads and then running USB sticks to your TVs are over. ProPresenter can stay in the auditorium and out of Kids Ministry. You don’t need to be a pro at editing videos to send them to parents at home. Welcome to a new era of ministry technology.

This article will give you a step-by-step walkthrough about using Playlister. If you’d rather watch a video to get this info, just click here:

Link your Orange account and add your team

If you use Orange curriculum, all of it will instantly be imported into your Playlister account. You’ll never have to sit through a curriculum download again.

Here's how you can link your account:

1. Log into Playlister Manage

2. Go to your account settings

3. Click "link account" on the Orange Integration option

4. Enter your login credentials for the Orange Store

That's all you have to do! All available Orange curriculum will appear under "Linked Libraries" in your Playlist Manager View. You also will probably want the rest of your team to help you build and send out playlists. You can add these folks in the “users” section of your Playlister account settings.

Add all your church leaders for free

Upload media to use on your Apple TVs

Playlister isn’t just for Orange curriculum. You can also upload any other picture or video files into Playlister. To do this, just navigate to the Media Manager and click the “upload media” button.

You can store as many different media files in Playlister as you would like. Playlister has an upload limit of 5 GB per upload.

Build a playlist in seconds that can be sent anywhere

Just drag and drop Orange curriculum from your Linked Libraries or media from your Libraries to build a playlist. You can right-click on media and select “preview” to preview it before adding it to a playlist.

If you use Orange curriculum, there is an easy way to build a playlist in just one click.

On the right-hand side in the Linked Playlists section, you’ll find pre-built lessons from Orange. Just select the lesson you want to use and hit the “import playlist” button to import the playlist into your available playlists. These Linked Playlists contain Orange curriculum and are prebuilt by Orange for your convenience.

After importing the playlist, you can just edit it to your liking. Whether you are using Playlister for church at-home, church in person, or both- you’ll use the steps outlined above to build a playlist. Now let’s take a look at how you can send playlists to families at-home or present them on Apple TVs in your classroom.

Send playlists to families at home

Playlister is the easiest way to send Orange curriculum and other media to families at home. Here’s a quick video on how you can share a playlist with families at home:

To send a playlist to families at home, you’ll just click the “share with families at-home” button above your playlist.

Share a playlist with families at home

Next, you’ll add any resources to the playlist before sending it out. You can add resources like a cover image, a description, useful links (church website, FB group, zoom link), and even attach PDFs to your playlists.

To share the playlist, you’ll just copy the link and send it to parents.

You can paste this link on Facebook, put it in an email, put it on your church website, and more! Parents can click this link on any device and watch your lessons.

Bonus tips for Playlister at-home: Analytics and the Video Hub

The basic version of Playlister at-home that we’ve discussed so far is entirely free to use. You can upgrade to the optional Analytics or Video Hub subscriptions to put even more power into your playlists.

Use Analytics to measure what matters

Analytics give you ministry-minded insights into how your families are engaging with your playlists. Here’s an overview of the analytics dashboard and everything that is included in it:

  • The number of families that view your playlists
  • Total number of playlists watched
  • The average completion rate for your playlists
  • The top times of day and days of the week when your families watch
  • The best performing playlists in your account (with detailed stats for each playlist)
  • The most viewed media in your account
  • The top cities where your viewers are located

See how your families are engaging with your playlists.
The video hub is one page for all your playlists.

Parents love this because they can access everything in one place. You’ll love the video hub because you can just schedule when playlists show up on it, so you won’t need to send out new links every weekend :-) You can click here to see some examples of video hubs from churches like yours. For more information on the different investment options in Playlister at-home, just check out this video:

That’s everything you need to know for using Playlister at-home! Now let’s look at how Playlister can help in your classroom environments in your physical church building:

Schedule when your content appears in your rooms

The days of running USB sticks to all your TVs are over. You’ll never have to wave at the designated clicker for ProPresenter again.

With Playlister, you just schedule when your curriculum shows up on your TVs.

By selecting a start and end date to your playlists, the playlist will appear on the start date and disappear on the end date.

You just schedule when your curriculum shows up on your TVs.

Present easily - Train a volunteer in less than 15 seconds

Once your playlists are on your TVs, it will be more comfortable than ever to present them. Your volunteers will just point and click using the Apple TV remote. You don’t even need to have a computer in the classroom. Life has never been more comfortable for leaders to instruct on Sundays using the playlists you send to each learning environment.

You can click here to check out our guide for classroom volunteers. Check out this video to see how easy it is to use Playlister in your classroom:

Playlister is not just another tech tool. It is an entirely new way to do ministry.

Want to try Orange at your church? Try Orange with a free Apple TV from Playlister:

Apple charges $149 for an Apple TV. Playlister offers you the chance to try an Apple TV risk free. Use the code TRYPRO and we’ll send you a free Apple TV (Playlister Pro Kit) for one month.

You can cancel and return the Playlister Apple TV anytime. Looking for more reasons to get an Apple TV? Read our top 5 Apple Tv uses at your church.

Get your FREE Apple TV

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