1. Set a Budget
Before you begin planning for your event, it is crucial to decide how much money you have in your budget. This way, you can create a realistic scope that includes all elements of the event. There is nothing worse than blowing your entire budget on a venue and then having nothing left for accessories, refreshments, and advertising!
So, work out how much money you have to spare for this event. If you don’t have much in your budget, don’t worry! You can always host a fundraiser for the event, or even better, use the event as a fundraiser in itself.
2. Decide on a Theme
Will you base your church events on the holidays that are happening at that time of the year? These are some of the best times to host events as everyone is in the mood for a celebration.
Whether it’s for Easter or Christmas, Mothers Day, or Saint Joseph’s Day, hosting an event for religious celebrations is a wonderful way to bring people together. Just choose one of the popular church event ideas, and stick to it!
3. Choose Refreshments
This is the fun part. Would you rather have a tea, coffee, and cake theme for your refreshments, or opt for something more substantial like a barbecue, or pot luck dinner?

A potluck-style eating arrangement is a great way to get everyone involved. This way, people can bring exactly what they want to eat, you’ll save money on the budget, and there is an element of surprise.
4. Recruit Volunteers
Now it’s time to consider who will work at your event, making sure it runs smoothly. While there will probably be an event coordinator who takes the lead with the planning and organization, who will be there to help on the day?
The answer is volunteers. So make sure you choose people that are reliable, and who you can trust. If they are already members of your congregation – even better!
5. Flyers
You may be wondering how to promote church events, but it isn’t difficult at all. A simple church event flyer that you can hand out at your Sunday services is a great way to spread the news of what will be happening.
Make sure you clearly state the theme, location, and time on the flyer, along with an eye-grabbing image, and the message will be clearly heard.
6. Signs
Signage is another excellent answer to the question “how to advertise a church event?” As they can catch the eye of people driving past, who might not usually attend your services.
If you have a digital signage solution, then the sky’s the limit with these! You can use bold and striking colors and images to ensure that details of your event could not possibly be missed.
7. Decorations
Another thing to consider when planning your event is the small detailing, like decorations and other special touches. Will you spend some of the budget money on making sure the detailing is perfect, or opt for homemade decorations?
The great thing about homemade decorations is that they don’t have to cost much at all, and can double up as a creative activity for the kids to get stuck into during ministry! Or, keep all of your event decorations after the festivities are over, and you’d be surprised how often you can reuse them.
8. Who is Invited?
This is a big one to consider when planning your event because if it is mainly for your existing congregation members to strengthen their bonds with each other, it does need to be made clear that it is not an open invitation, or things could get awkward!

On the other hand, if the goal is to meet new people and encourage others to join your church, then make it known on the flyer that people are more than welcome to bring friends and families along.
9. Seating Arrangements
Will your event be a formal sit-down meal, a buffet-style eating arrangement, or a casual event with canapé style snacks? These are important things to think of, as they will have a big impact on the overall atmosphere at your event.
If it is a sit-down meal, it is a good idea to plan a rough seating arrangement, in line with your goals for the event. If it is to meet new people, then why not try mixing it up, so that people who spend a lot of time together usually can have a chance to intermingle with others?
10. Show Your Appreciation
Lastly, make sure you make your thanks known far and wide, both at the event and afterward. It should be the final thing on every church event planning checklist, to make sure the volunteers, workers, and attendees feel appreciated.
Offering your volunteers a token of your appreciation at the end of the event could really help to boost morale, and keep them excited to work at future events too. For the attendees, you could write a small handwritten note, or gift – read our blog for more inspiration [insert a link to gift ideas blog].
You can find great church event planning templates online for free to help guide you if planning an event feels somewhat overwhelming. But the most important thing to remember is to have fun!