Do you want to provide a fun and informative vacation Bible school for the kids of your community, but are working within a budget? You have come to the right place! We have compiled a list of our favorite free Bible school curriculums out there. From virtual Bible school options to in-person plans, you can find plenty of Vacation Bible School ideas that will breathe life and excitement into your VBS. Read on to learn more about our top 11 picks, ranging from a few days to a few weeks in length.
Children’s Ministry Deals – Manger Tales

With a focus on the birth of Christ and the importance of Christmas, this four-week curriculum is perfect to use throughout the winter months. We’ve all heard of the three wise men and the innkeeper who had no room, but what about the others? Join this program to hear the unique perspectives of the animals who were present, as they take to the stage.
Sunday School Works – Bolt

Specially created to consider COVID limitations, this virtual Bible school will take your VBS digital. The vacation Bible school songs include the top three hits by Ben Calhoun (the lead singer of Citizen Way) who will perform them, just for the students of Bolt! This three-day program focuses on deepening the kids' connection with Jesus, from the comfort of your own home.
Creative Bible Study
Armor Up

As one of our favorite themes, The Armor of God teaches kids that they are stronger with Him behind them. Trust in the strength that He gives us and become invincible! This 10-part virtual Bible study curriculum focuses on connecting with God through prayer, faith, and the knowledge that Jesus will always be stronger than Satan.
Incredible Me

Following a theme that your elementary-aged children are sure to love, this curriculum tackles one of the biggest questions within that age group: identity. Teaching children that they are “one in a minion,” these four lessons are based on Psalm 139:14 and help children to embrace themselves: I am created, I am chosen, I am Christ’s, I am called — I am special.

Diving into the superhero theme to engage and excite your kids, this free vacation Bible school curriculum teaches that there is a hero in every one of us. Stories of the making of superheroes are discussed closely alongside those of the "ordinary" disciples, to highlight that God has a plan for all of us. Just like Peter Parker was considered nerdy at school before he became Spiderman, Simon Peter was simply a fisherman before he became Jesus’ disciple.
Grow Curriculum
Mission Deep Sea
Highlighting the importance of sharing your gifts, stories, and time with God and all of His children in this world, Mission Deep Sea shows kids that there are always more ways to deepen your relationship with God. Using excerpts from the Bible like Moses’ parting of the Red Sea and Jonah in Nineveh, this curriculum demonstrates that there’s always something to give.
On the Case

Delve into the truths behind some of the most important parables found in the Bible with "On the Case." Designed to let the kids feel like detectives in solving the not-so-secret mysteries of some of Jesus’ parables, clarity and understanding are at the core of this program for kids.
I Wonder

Harnessing children’s natural curiosities to strengthen their spiritual habits, this four-day curriculum encourages kids to wonder about the gifts they have from God. Including interesting discussions about subjects like science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, this program will show your students that God is everywhere.
Ministry to Children
Outlaws For God – Wild West Adventure

Filled with a variety of Wild West games and activities to incite wonder in your Bible school, this curriculum questions what it means to be an outlaw. Each day focuses on a different biblical outlaw, a person who broke the rules to stay true to their faith in God. Ending with the ultimate outlaw — Jesus Himself — this program teaches kids to listen to the voice of God within them, to know right from wrong.
A Week With Jesus

Created with Easter in mind, but also great as a summer subject filler, kids are sure to love this week that they get to spend with Jesus. Each day will involve an opening ceremony, activity stations where the children will move between themed rooms, and a closing ceremony where the parents can have a chance to be involved in their child’s learning.
Running for the Prize

With the lively and exciting theme of Olympians and competition, this curriculum compares the physical strength of athletes, who are seen as heroes in our society, to the spiritual strength of those who live a pious life. Complete with stories, songs, crafts, and games, this free program is packed full of resources, games, activities, and songs.
From deep sea diving and wild west adventuring, to Olympic champions and heroes, these vacation Bible school curriculums will be loved by your kids. Choosing a great curriculum doesn’t have to cost a thing, as these providers have offered their fun-packed itineraries, completely for free!
Whether your child will be watching from home, or through a presentation software at your church, these curricula can be used however you like. With the compelling and energetic themes utilized by these programs to capture the wonder and awe of your students, Sunday school will feel more joyful than ever before.