Best Curriculums on Life.Church Open Network

It’s time to take a look at what’s available on Life.Church Open Network. Read on to learn more about our 5 favorite options for preschoolers, and 5 for Elementary kids.

Grant Glas
October 6, 2021
Kids Ministry Curriculum

Unsure where to take your Sunday school next? If you have already read our guide for the best children's church curriculum, it’s time to take a look at what’s available on Life.Church Open Network. Offering a range of curricula based on religious holidays, important themes, and fun activities, there is something here for everyone.

From the tiniest preschool tots to those that are finishing middle school, there are kids' church lessons here to take your children through their first steps of faith. Read on to learn more about our 5 favorite options for preschoolers, and 5 for Elementary kids. 

Early Childhood (Preschool)

NewSpring Church – Dr. Tock’s Travelling Clock 

Travel through time with this exciting kids ministry curriculum that focuses on the life of Joseph. Alongside the verse Micah 6:8, this curriculum includes coloring sheets, flashcards, motions, and movements for a vibrant and engaging learning experience. With an additional resource for those with special needs provided every week along the journey of this 8-week-long program, no child will be left behind. 

Life.Church – A Voice in the Night

Combining all of your preschooler's favorite things to create an appealing environment for learning, this curriculum is flexible, each to teach, and a favorite amongst the kids. With friendly animated characters, catchy songs, and an exciting interactive host, you will see your Sunday school made simple! Get 4 weeks worth of adventure books that are jam-packed with real-life activities to connect with nature, and pray.

NewSpring Church – Easter Extravaganza

This two-week program combines large and small group activities to teach young children about the important events of Easter. The first week focuses on Palm Sunday, preparing kids' hearts for Easter, in the knowledge that God loves us all. The second week is all about celebrating the life of Jesus – He is the reason we can have so much fun on this holiday!

Crosstown – Good Friends

In unit 8 of this series brought to us by Crosstown, the focus is all about friendship. Including 3 separate parts, each with different activities and resources, this curriculum is important to teach kids how to be a good friend to everyone. With valuable takeaways like good friends help, good friends forgive, and good friends talk it out, you can be sure your child is learning invaluable life skills here.

Life.Church – The King and the Kingdom

Holding the importance of Jesus as a teacher at its core, this four-part series shows kids that a life lived according to Jesus, is just like building a house on a really strong rock. Your little one’s foundations will be strong and unwavering when the Bible is used as a guide for living, and this children’s ministry curriculum shares that message loud and clear.

Elementary (1st – 4th Grade)

Konnect HQ – Supernatural 

When we open our eyes, minds, and hearts to God, we can see miracles everywhere. God’s world is greater and more powerful than we could ever imagine, which is why we need to hold faith in our Lord, and trust in His plan. This curriculum seeks to spark the excitement to see Heaven in young kids, in the knowledge that they will be fully protected by God, and equipped to find the right path.

NewSpring Church – Everyday Armour

Helping kids to discover the hero within themselves, this 8-part series demonstrates that when we put on God’s armor each day, we can achieve almost anything. With theatre acts, trivia questionnaires, and small group activities, this free children’s ministry curriculum has it all. Wear the helmet of salvation, the belt of truth, and bear the shield of faith, and you will be unstoppable!

Go Kids – Creation

Filled with activities, games, songs, and more, this 7-week kids' curriculum dives into God’s creation of the universe. With discussion questions to spark deep thought about their relationship with God, and how the scripture is related to their lives, the purpose of this program is to educate youngsters about the original creation story in a way that will both astound and amaze. 

Grow – Let’s Talk

Spanning over 4 weeks, with a short video for each session, this curriculum will start a conversation. Following Paul’s story of conversion, this simple program has energetic dance-along videos with inspiring soundtracks. Urging kids to ask Jesus to change their hearts, this curriculum is simple – just watch along and feel the power of the word of God.

Connect HQ – Worship

Showing elementary students how to have an honest conversation with God and worship from the heart, this curriculum teaches valuable skills. As a genuine expression of love, admiration, and respect for God, worship needs to be felt from within. Answering the big questions of why we worship, and how to worship, this program acts as a guide for kids to feel connected.

Tackling the takeaways from the bible one bite-sized chunk at a time, these curricula will have a long-lasting impact on the kids at your Sunday school. Bringing themes that feel relevant to the children themselves helps to solidify their foundations of belief from a young age. Providing access to relevant and important information like, how to worship, the importance of conversation, and how to be a good friend, this selection of curricula could transform how your kids interact with their ministry!

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