Why School Digital Signage is Now
Figuring out an annual school budget is no easy feat, so it’s hardly surprising that perceived luxuries like flashy digital school signs take a back seat. Essentials like learning materials and resources take priority, but you can't ignore the benefits of digital signage in schools (this is also true for digital church signage).
Every institution can enjoy the benefits of digital billboards. But electronic signs in schools, in particular, will revolutionize how youngsters engage with their learning environment. Keep reading for ten transformational uses for signage in schools.
1. Wayfinding Help

Starting a new school is daunting. We’ve all been there, feeling lost on the hunt from classroom to classroom, searching for the right math class. But what if we had a wayfinding school sign to point us in the right direction? Depending on the size of your school, placing several interactive digital maps across the campus will help your students get their bearings and feel at ease.
2. Keep Connected

Posting relevant department-wide information on a local digital signage board will keep students in the loop with what’s going on. Make sure your learners don’t miss a thing by sharing news and information far and wide, whether it's about auditions for a new show in the drama department or an exciting opportunity to attend a lecture by a successful scientist. Replace the classic billboard with something your students will want to read.
3. Digital Natives

Some people may roll their eyes and say “it wasn’t like this in my day”. But, most people in the Gen Z population (born between 1997 and 2015) have a natural affinity with the digital realm. Instead of printing out letters and hoping your students read them, why not meet them where they are with captivating signage solutions? This blog by Stewart Signs highlights why digital signage for schools is a must for reaching this generation.
4. Money Saving

This point may seem counterintuitive, as school digital signage requires a TV or screen and some kind of streaming technology which can be quite costly. But paying for regular printing, paper, and ink adds up too. Investing in digital signs instead of daily printing will not only save you money there, but it will also generate more interest around your events and offer the potential to partner with local businesses and advertising.
5. Eco-Conscious

The amount of paper used by schools across the United States annually is around 34 billion, amounting to a cost of two billion dollars annually. Paper homework assignments, reading projects, and handouts that often end up in the bottom of a book bag are incredibly wasteful, financially and for the environment. Put the planet first by choosing to go paper-free, and reduce the number of trees destroyed for schools.
6. Emergency Alerts

Teachers had to edit old-school signs manually, but they can update a digital sign in seconds. This makes it ideal for emergency alerts that the whole school needs to be warned of, as the news can be flashed on every screen in a matter of seconds. And, it doesn’t matter where the content is changed from—one of the benefits of electronic signs for schools is that updating a screen is an entirely remote process.
7. Announcements
Morning announcements shared over the intercom are a classic feature of schools in the United States. Some students love their time on the air sharing news with their peers, but how many people are actually listening? Bringing these announcements to life with digital imaging will engage your audience, so students and teachers alike join in the conversation. Upgrading to digital signage in schools gets the message across.
8. Showcase Work

If a student does especially well in a project or the soccer team makes it to the finals, sharing it on a school sign will ensure they feel appreciated. Show support for your valued students by showcasing their achievements on your signage in school, and they will feel motivated to succeed. You could even dedicate one day of the week to praising good work or choose a star of the week from each age group.
9. Social Engagement

Share your social media highlights on digital sign boards dotted around the school to encourage older students who use social media to get involved online. Change how students interact with your school online to cultivate a buzzing online environment where students are engaged and share their opinions. They will love to see their tweets shared on the big screen once in a while—it will inspire them to put some thought into their posts.
10. Meeting Room Signs

Does your school have breakout rooms for private study or project work? Finding free ones can be a struggle, as they are usually in high demand, and a confusing booking system may throw people off. Place digital school signage screens conveniently outside of these private classrooms so that students can see the schedule, sign up, and see if a no-show means the space is free to use right now.
Ready to make the switch and join the world of digital signs in schools? All you need for a seamless setup is to choose your digital signage software, from cloud-based solutions to mini Mac installments. Let your students reap the benefits of educational signage with a game-changing digital setup. Invest in your students by providing quality technology, and they will invest in their education while building a deeper connection with your school.