How to Start The New School Year With Confidence
1. Starting Waking Early, Early

Reduce feelings of first-week exhaustion by starting your back-to-school preparation a few weeks early. It's normal for sleep schedules to slip over the summer, but rapidly shifting to 6 am mornings will take a toll on your child(ren). Ease into the early mornings by setting off to a fun activity first thing in the morning and tiring your kids out to sleep like a log that night. If you aren’t sure how long your little ones should be sleeping, the Sleep Foundation outlines the guidelines for each age group.
2. Set Them Up With Supplies

Getting ready for back to school is an exciting time for kids. The dog days of summer are over, and a new beginning is on the way, so harness their excitement with a back-to-school shopping trip! Build their confidence with brand-new accessories, like a flashy book bag and a fresh selection of clothes. Check out our blog {INSERT LINK TO SUPPLIES BLOG} for a full list of back-to-school supplies every child needs.
3. Complete Any Homework

Check your child’s summer homework in the weeks leading up to the start of the new school year. Some assignments can take several weeks to complete, and leaving them until the last minute might put your kid in an embarrassing situation where they can’t get it done. If homework was the first thing you ticked off when summer began, review it together so the work is fresh on their minds.
4. Finish Up Summer Projects

Have you and your kid embarked on any other summer projects this year? Completing these endeavors before the summer is over will instill feelings of accomplishment in your children, inspiring them to get involved in more projects next summer. Help them finish reading their books and tidying their room so they can start the next academic year with a decluttered space and a clear mind.
5. Remind Them of Safety Rules

As a lot gets forgotten over the summer, refreshing your kids on safety essentials is key. Remind them how to cross the road safely and of standard school behavior like not running indoors and no pushing or shoving. Use scenarios and role play to ensure they understand the significance of stranger danger to keep them safe when out of the house.
6. Re-Establish a Routine

Wind down the summer fun by setting up a new routine for your kids. Encourage more quiet time and working alone alongside the earlier mornings. The end of summer is a wonderful time for kids to get some journaling in, as they can write down their memories to return to year after year. A simple writing task like this will get your children back into the swing of working while reliving some of their favorite summer moments.
7. Map Out a New School Route

A new school year might mean a new school entirely. If your child is moving to a new school like middle school or high school, map out their new route clearly to help them settle in. You could even walk there together a few times over the summer and have a little stroll around to get them used to their new stomping grounds. Knowing what’s coming and what to expect will ease your child’s new school nerves.
8. Encourage More Independence

The start of a new semester is the perfect time to assess the amount of independence you give your child. Maybe they are usually chaperoned to school, but you think they might be ready to start walking with a friend. Or maybe they want to take on more extracurricular activities. Chat with other parents to find out what they are changing with their kids, and you might find a new walking buddy.
9. Discuss Any Anxieties or Nerves

It is totally normal for your child to be nervous and apprehensive going into the new school year (we’ve all been there!). Encourage them to share their feelings with you and offer advice if you think it will help. Remind your children that they are not alone, that nerves are expected, and build their confidence to face the new school year head-on. Journalling is especially beneficial as there might be some things they don’t feel comfortable discussing with a parent.
10. Celebrate!

Once all the organizing is done, and preparation is complete – it's time to celebrate! Remember that the start of a new year is an incredibly exciting prospect, as your child has made it to the next step of their development and growth. While it's important to manage all the boring details, remember to signify the occasion with something special like their favorite breakfast the morning they start.

Going back to school means mixed emotions for kids and their parents. Follow these back-to-school tips for a smooth transition, ensuring your child starts off on the right foot. Writing out a back-to-school preparation checklist will help you remember every last detail. Get ahead of the game and make preparing for back-to-school a breeze.