Want to get your hands on the best church presentation software out there? Look no further, as we compare two of the most popular software options – ProPresenter vs MediaShout. Showing their key features side-by-side, this church presentation software comparison will help you to decide which one is right for you.
If you have already read our guide of The Best Church Presentation Software for 2021, it won’t come as a surprise to you that ProPresenter takes the crown in this comparison. With a soaring satisfaction score and unbeatable user-friendly features, we know that ProPresenter is the premium church presentation software you have been searching for.
With a one-time payment cost of just $399 per house of worship, ProPresenter doesn’t bog you down with monthly costs. Also offering a rental scheme, where you can pay a small cost of $99 for a 30-day rental, you can get access just for specific events. Try for free for two weeks to see if it’s right for you, or you can simply opt for the free version. Although it doesn’t include presentation features, it does enable you to create and edit, meaning you can work from multiple sites!
Get the 30-day free trial, or gain full access to the MediaShout 7 software for an unlimited number of computers for $499. This offer is only available for Windows users, however, and you will have to purchase a MediaShout 6 option if you work with Apple products. Costing $299 for unlimited on Macs, you will have to sacrifice access to the new features that come with the latest version. If you’re looking to save on your software, opt for the single option, costing between $199 and $399 for one Mac or PC.
The new modernized interface that ProPresenter 7 offers makes organization a breeze. Streamlining your operations by displaying your library, media, and audio bins, preview, and the upcoming slides, this software provides you with ultimate control. Allowing you to create personalized libraries for your presentations means you can arrange playlists to fit your workflow, organizing in a way that works for you.
Some of the new features offered by the latest version, number 7, include new Key Controls, a new Presenter View, and the new Sermon Builder Wizard. Displaying everything you need with a clear and concise interface, this software offers simplicity at its core. Unfortunately, unlike ProPresenter, this software is not compatible for use with multiple screens, so it is better for smaller-sized churches.
Scrolling Text
No matter what you’re presenting, whether it's lyrics to a hymn or captions for an interview, scrolling text will draw your audience right in. With ProPresenter 7, you can even add the weather or a news channel to act as your live stream ticker, bringing a dynamic and captivating edge into your church environment. Up-down, left-right, this brilliant feature provides endless creative possibilities.
Also offering a timer or a clock feature as a plug-in, MediaShout can display similar things as ProPresenter on the big screen. While they do have a news ribbon feature that scrolls from right to left, it is on a much smaller scale than that offered by ProPresenter. You can adapt the speed of scrolling, but it is only really useful for simple text snippets, and not much else.
Two additional languages have been added with the release of ProPresenter 7. Bringing the total number of languages that the software is compatible with to 10, you can easily translate ProPresenter to Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Korean, Norwegian, Czech, Simplified Chinese, and Russian! Plus, they have an easy-to-complete request form if your desired language is not currently listed.
Although they have plans in place to eventually add more languages to their program, MediaShout shockingly only offers access in English. You can request a specific language, but details on which languages are being prioritized, or when they will be released, are unavailable. Providing access to everyone is crucial, and MediaShout’s reach is unfortunately very limited at present.
Multiple Bible Translations
Show multiple bible translations side-by-side with the impressive new feature that comes with the latest version of ProPresenter. Simply select the number of text boxes needed for the number of translations, and show them all with ease. Not only is this a great way to highlight the differences between Bible translations, but it can also be translated into entirely different languages. If you’re a multi-lingual church, this is the solution you have been waiting for.

Offering a Dual Bible function to present two different translations side-by-side, MediaShout has definitely got the right idea. It falls short of the ProPresenter feature, however, as it is limited to just two, and does not include multiple languages. While it is a great feature, it just doesn’t come close to that offered by ProPresenter 7.
Why We Choose ProPresenter
After careful consideration of the features offered by each church worship presentation software, we select ProPresenter as our winner. With features that are versatile for use in your main sanctuary.