5 Kids Sunday School Lessons for Palm Sunday

Easter is one of the most important times of the year for Christians, and Palm Sunday is the day it all began. Keeping a selection of interesting Sunday school lessons at the ready will make sure that your young learners are engaged and eager to pray as much as they celebrate. While there is all that time for fun and celebration over the Easter season, it's important not to get so lost in the Easter egg hunts and chocolate that you forget the true meaning of the celebration.

Grant Glas
March 28, 2022
Kids Ministry Curriculum

Try out some of these informative lesson plans to teach your students the true importance of Easter beyond all the fun and games. Your children’s ministry curriculum may already include some valuable Easter activities, but why not supplement it with something special? These are our favorite five lesson plans to get kids learning and having fun on Palm Sunday.

People Wave Palms


Though there was much joy to be had when Jesus rode into Jerusalem, it was a bittersweet moment, which this activity highlights. As He entered the city, declaring Himself as the Messiah, He knew that this would cause Jewish leaders to take action against Him. This act of bravery was met with glee from the people who followed Him, as people waved palms to welcome Him.

This series has a second part to this lesson that focuses on the Last Supper. You could do them week after week if you need to boost your children’s ministry curriculum or blend them into one big lesson if you have limited time.

Palm Sunday Bible Study

Passages from John 12:12-19 are used to teach the Easter story in this all-inclusive pack. We know that there is a lot of Scripture about palm Sunday, so feel free to explore other options if you wish. With teaching notes, coloring pages, craft directions, game ideas, and worksheets all available for free, this package is a no-brainer! Get all your Palm Sunday activities right here.

The central focus of this lesson is that Jesus came to save the needy who were hurting. Some people recognized that He was special, welcomed Him, and were grateful, but there were others who were suspicious and wanted to harm Him. The way that Jesus lived was bold and brave.

Share the Good News

Sharing the good news of Jesus

Using Palm Sunday quotes from the Bible, specifically from Luke 19:28-40, this lesson plan focuses on the significance of Jesus entering Jerusalem. Answering the important questions surrounding why He needed to return and what He had to offer the people, this outline will complement any kids’ ministry curriculum.

This lesson has a lot of potential to be fun and dynamic. Depending on the volunteer you have to help that day and how much energy they have, you could even get them to play the part of the donkey in the parade reenactment. Feeling brave? Why not get kids to take turns riding the donkey into Jerusalem, to really put themselves in the shoes of Jesus.

Ministry-to-Children: Palm Sunday

This 20-minute long Easter lesson covers the most essential elements of the Palm Sunday story. It is designed for a wide range of students (aged 6-11), and this free lesson plan covers the Triumphant Entry. Riding in on a donkey across a path laid with palm trees, Jesus entered Jerusalem. 

Why is this important? Teach your students with this thorough activity plan that blends learning with fun. You could even let them reenact the scene afterward!

The Meaning of Palm Sunday

Jesus coming into the city on a donkey

Digging deep into the meaning of Hosanna — which means “save us” — this lesson plan urges students to place themselves at the scene of the big parade. Why did the people need saving, and why was everyone rejoicing? Ask students to feel the energy of that joyous day by putting themselves in the shoes of those who welcomed Jesus.

The important message from this lesson is that Jesus came to save, but not just in the way we might expect. He did come to deliver us from sin, but people were also hopeful of political rescue. We must be careful not to impose our own misguided hopes on Christ because if we do, we might miss the true joy found in Him alone.

Hail to the King!

Hail Jesus

This lesson plan comes in a series of four that takes a deeper look at Easter Sunday, the Last Supper, and Good Friday. So, you can teach your students all about the important events of Easter all from one source! This lesson plan, in particular, focuses on praise words that we use to worship Jesus and the welcome that He would have received. 

Each child must write their praise words on a balloon that they have blown up — the room will literally be full of praise. Then, one by one, they can roll out a small mat to mimic how the people laid palm leaves on the streets that Jesus and His donkey walked. Ask the students to imagine why the people wanted to pave the way. Is there anyone that they can imagine doing that for?

Palm Sunday activities for kids are a great way to inform them about this incredible story while letting them have fun too. There are countless free Palm Sunday activity sheets for students of all ages, so if your structured curriculum doesn’t cover Easter festivities, your students won’t have to miss out. Finally, make sure you don’t forget the most important thing — have a happy Palm Sunday!

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