10 Ways to Use Orange Apps at Your Church

As some of the best apps to engage younger church members, these simple and adaptable apps will boost parental involvement in your ministry. Lack of conversation between the family of your young students will mean a lack of connection. This is exactly what Orange wants to remedy.

Grant Glas
October 25, 2021
Church Software

Developed to help ministry run more smoothly for everyone, the Think Orange apps are a must-have at your church. With parents, volunteers, and leaders included, the two apps offered by Orange will transform how your church is organized, allowing it to run smoothly and effectively.

As some of the best apps to engage younger church members, these simple and adaptable apps will boost parental involvement in your ministry. Lack of conversation between the family of your young students and your ministry will mean a lack of connection, disengagement, and in the worst cases, loss of faith. This is exactly what Orange wants to remedy.

What is Think Orange’s Mission? 

If you are familiar with the Think Orange curriculum, you will know that at the heart of their mission is family. Seeking to bridge the gap between the church, ministry, and parents, Orange knows that bringing everyone together will boost kids’ relationship with God. These core beliefs are clear to see within their apps, as they work to elevate parental involvement too!

Lead Small Mobile App

Available for the smaller group volunteer leaders, this app helps in many ways:

Take Attendance

With an online roster available on any volunteer’s phone, seeing who will be in attendance is foolproof. Rather than relying on paper registers that aren’t always up to date and have to be manually printed, why not ensure that those who need it can get instant access? Instead of a piece of paper that can get lost or damaged, the data will be held safely and securely on this app.

Information About Kids

Alongside the roster will be more detail about the kids than has ever been possible before. Instead of just a name and either a tick or a cross, you can easily see all of the information regarding their allergies, their birthdays, and their attendance record. 

Lesson Guide

Arguably the most important and useful element of this app, Lead Small will clearly display the children’s ministry curriculum details such as lesson plans, activities, resources, and more. Helping volunteers’ schedules to be more flexible so that they can prepare whenever and wherever they need to, this app removes the need for endless paper wastage too!

Customizable Interface

The straightforward 3-step customization process means you can make this app yours in no time at all. Upload your church’s logo, an online giving link, and add all of your social media handles and this app will feel like home for your volunteers and leaders. Not only is the interface customizable, but you can also easily adapt the weekly content that’s shown in the app too!

Communicate with Parents

Enabling parents to send specific requests like prayers they’d like their child to hear in the session, or special events that have happened, will increase communication with the parents of your ministry and will bring the entire community closer together. 

Parent Cue Mobile App

The sister app which is available for the parents of your kids has many uses:

Communicate with the Ministry

Being able to send in requests to the kids' ministry leaders will help parents to feel much more involved with the church. Doubling up as a messaging service, parents can receive messages directly from the ministry, or be prompted with notifications about events, problems, celebrations, and more! Don’t just rely on the memory of parents, when you can ensure they will remember important dates and events.

Develop Spiritual Habits

We know that taking worship home helps to solidify God in the minds and hearts of young children. The mere 40 hours a year that kids spend on average with the church is incomparable to the vastly greater time spent with their families. Rather than relying on an hour at the weekend to establish good spiritual habits in your kids, daily devotional prompts from the app will help parents to take it a step further.

Establish Consistent Discipleship

Empowering families to be stronger together, this app will give regular reminders for parents to make the most of the smaller parts of the day. Weekly Bible stories, videos, and memory verses will be shared with parents too, to encourage consistent discipleship, and forge stronger bonds within the community and family alike. 

Strengthen Relationship with Kids

Cues for family time will help parents to dedicate set time to their kids on a daily basis. Easily lost in the hustle and bustle of busy working lives, a simple reminder to reflect is important for parents as well as their kids. Taking a moment to breathe and be grateful can help their bonds with their children to blossom.

Follow Their Progress

Parents can see exactly where their kids are at in the Sunday school curriculum by checking on this ministry app. It will tell parents how many days until they graduate a certain topic, what they will be tackling going forward, and inform you of what they learned that day. 

For parents and leaders, volunteers and kids, there are countless ways that these apps will benefit your church and your community. Boosting the involvement of both your youngsters and your adult attendees, these apps work together to boost conversation, communication, and connection. 

Forge relationships between children and God that will last, with daily prompts sent to their parents to encourage worship. We know that relying on one day a week is risky, so why not embrace every single day as full of potential for growth? Choose the Think Orange apps for a ministry transformation that will last.

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